Family Updates & Our Travels Around Spain

Hosted by Oasis Blanc; opinions are my own Our family was so excited to kick off the summer in Menorca, Spain, a Balearic Island next to Mallorca which we had visited in the past. We had our hearts set on visiting Menorca since seeing pictures of it and let me tell you: it did not […]

Kicking off Summer in Menorca

July 3, 2024

It has been wildly busy for us this past month as we celebrated living in Spain for eight months this May. We have embraced the slower-pace life living in Spain and so the last few weeks have reminded us of our U.S. fast pace that we prefer to forget (ha). Between a move to a […]

Our Life in Madrid: Real Madrid + a New Flat

May 26, 2024

#discounted by FeelFree Rentals; opinions are my own We had the best Semana Santa in San Sebastián! We have always wanted to visit the area of Spain once we learned about how beautiful it is and the amazing selection of food there. From our home base in Madrid, this was only a four-and-a-half hour drive. […]

Semana Santa in San Sebastián

April 2, 2024

It’s hard to believe that it has been six months since we moved to Madrid, Spain! I have less “pinch me” moments now and honestly, it’s beginning to just feel like our norm. I had an emotional moment this past week, though, as I met with other expat moms at a local Tres Cantos park […]

Six Months Living Abroad

March 31, 2024

Grammy and Pop just left after a great first visit to experience our new life in Spain! It was such a fun feeling, waiting for them at the Madrid airport to show them our new home. After them taking an overnight flight direct from Philadelphia (one of the reasons that we chose Madrid was due […]

Our First Visitors to Spain

January 22, 2024

In my mind before moving to Spain for a gap service year, I expected that I’d be blogging constantly, sharing all about the differences I have been experiencing here. But an unsurprising thing has happened the more time we spend in Madrid, with this now being our almost fourth month living in Spain: there’s nothing […]

Our Life as Expats in Spain: An Update

January 14, 2024

We were so glad to have a long weekend break in December, a combination of two holidays in Spain. Wednesday was Constitution Day and Friday was The Day of Immaculate Conception here in Spain, which they combine to be a puente or a long break. With school out, we followed our family motto of “no […]

A Puente in Valencia, Spain

December 8, 2023

#discounted by Rotonda Apartments; all opinions are my own What a great long weekend we had in Mallorca, Spain! This was our first dip into the Mediterranean, and now we’re spoiled. If the water doesn’t look like that sea, we don’t wait it 😉 Now living in Madrid, we wanted to utilize a day off […]

Mallorca with Kids: A Mediterranean Paradise

November 19, 2023

It’s been one month since our big decision to move our family to Madrid, Spain! After arriving with just a few days left in September, we wanted to let a full month pass before making our next update on life here. As we closed the chapter of our first week living in an Airbnb in […]

Our Gap Year in Madrid, Spain: Month 1

November 9, 2023

Time has been flying! Sometimes I sit back and let all of the change that we’ve been through in the last three weeks flood over me as we settle here in Madrid. In three weeks, our family of four has prepped to rent out our home, completed the visa process, enrolled in an international school […]

Our Gap Year in Madrid: Moving to Spain

October 15, 2023

It was the start of our last week in Tenerife and we were equal parts sad and equal parts expectant to get to Madrid to continue the adventure. We had a lot more exploring to do in Tenerife so we spent time revisiting our favorites and finding a few new places to explore. Landon’s 11th […]

30 Days in Tenerife, Spain: Week Four

August 9, 2023

We rolled right into week three! At this point, our routines were down and we truly enjoyed everything about life for one month in Tenerife. We absolutely loved going to our CrossFit each morning and the whole family felt super welcomed there. We also had a great morning routine with a stop at a coffee […]

30 Days in Tenerife, Spain: Week Three

August 2, 2023


Hola! Soy Meg! My childhood dream was to move abroad with my family but we didn't have a way:

no international job, no government contract and no Spanish husband (ha).

Let me help you now with YOUR dreams of moving abroad because it's possible!

"getting out of your dreams" and into the reality of moving abroad?

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